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It all started when I was in  elementary school. We learned how to finger knit scarves. I asked my mom if she had any yarn and I remember it so vividly. It was green, red and white glitter yarn.

I would sit there in our living room on the reclining rocking chair just finger knitting scarves. My mom took notice of the joy I got out of doing it so she taught me how to crochet. I began with simple things like washcloths and pot holders. After a couple years I lost interest and asked my step-grandmother how to knit. I was 15.

I got so into knitting that I would even bring my work to school with me and knit during classes and study hall periods. At the time it was mainly just hats, scarves, gloves, stockings; you know, winter stuff. I found that I mostly knit in the winter months as the yarn would keep me warm as I worked my projects. Into my 20's I kept up with knitting and learned so many new and exciting things. I also learned about polymer clay, resin, paper folding, jewelry making, painting, etc. But it wasn't until my early 30's while at a craft fair did I take notice of just how much you can truly do with crochet that you can't do with knitting as easily. And I fell in love!

So now, I knit, crochet, do resin work, clay and jewelry, paper folding and so much more! 

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